You are an out of luck art dealer with nothing to your name but 5 highly trained ants. Now it's time to put them to work, together they will create beautiful paintings that you can sell for big $$$
ANT FARMER Grow your ant colony by buying bigger and faster ants, and watch proudly as they create better and better artwork before your very eyes. Before you know it you'll have hundreds of ants creating new art in seconds.
ART DEALER Watch the public's reaction to your paintings and adjust the sale prices to make the biggest profit possible! People don't like the painting? Reduce the price and get rid of it. People love the painting? Let's see how high we can raise the price!
Комментарии не будут допущены к публикации, если они являются спамом, оскорбительными, не по теме, содержат ненормативную лексику, содержат личные выпады или разжигают ненависть любого рода.
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