Build your own island from scratch!
You start out standing on the island. Your rank is Level 1. There are 10 quests to complete.
When a quest is achieved, you get a reward.
When all 10 quests are achieved, you are promoted to Level 2 and given new quests with new rewards.
And this until the last level.
Finish Level 3 and you graduate as a Buildcraft Master. You are granted Fly and Fast privileges.
From the Level 3 you can almost build what you wish. You can also try to finish all Levels to acquire all building resources.
->Variety of blocks:Bookshelf, brick, chest, clay, dirt, grass, furnace, glass, stone,dirt, grass,
->Chest, clay, furnace, glass, stone
->Lava, water, tree, colorfull wools,doors,stairs,bookshelf
->Tools: axe pickaxe shovel torch
->Multiplayer mode(wifi game and Internet game)(You can join others wifi game in "play" menu)
->Mini map
->Help Book (Teach you how to play)
->Level tasks
->An initial map with abundant element