Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data

Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data

1.22.2 от B. Trautmann
(0 Отзывы) январь 06, 2025
Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data

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январь 06, 2025
B. Trautmann
Android Apps
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Подробнее о Lumy for YNAB - Charts & Data

Lumy for YNAB is the #1 companion app to the You Need A Budget (YNAB) app. If you are searching for an app with beautiful charts, reports, and metrics that help you better visualize your spending habits, look no further!
Lumy for YNAB works by linking to your YNAB budget and using the data returned by YNAB's public API (fancy-talk for "a way to talk to YNAB's servers") to create amazing charts and nerdy reports. Here are just a few things Lumy for YNAB offers:

Charts, charts, charts!
- Daily Net Income--How much money are you earning on a daily basis?
- Days of Buffer--How many days of spending would your budget support if you no longer had income?
- Net Worth--When considering your assets and liabilities, how much money do you have?
- Income v. Expense--Visualize your spending against your income. Are you making more than you're spending?
- Spend by Category--Which categories are you spending the most in?
- Spend by Day of Week--What days make you feel extra spendy?
- Spend by Payee--Who are you giving all your money to?

Spend Trackers: Track spending by category (or category group), payee, memo keyword, flag color, or even a combination of these. See net spend, weekly spending, monthly spending, percentage of income spent, and more!

Frugal Months: Want a challenge? Push yourself to spend less than the limit you set in a given month. Notifications help you stay updated and on track all month.

Lumy for YNAB takes your YNAB experience to the next level. Trust us, you've never YNAB'd like this before.

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