# matrix-trello-bot [![TravisCI badge](https://travis-ci.org/turt2live/matrix-trello-bot.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/turt2live/matrix-trello-bot) A matrix bot to interact with Trello. Questions? Ask away in [#trellobot:t2bot.io](https://matrix.to/#/#trellobot:t2bot.io) # Usage 1. Invite `@trello:t2bot.io` to a private room 2. Send the message `!trello login` to authorize the bot to access your boards 3. Invite `@trello:t2bot.io` to the room where you'd like Trello notifications/commands 4. Send the message `!trello watch <board url>` 5. The bot will now start notifying you about various actions performed on Trello # Building your own *Note*: You'll need to have access to an account that the bot can use to get the access token. 1. Clone this repository 2. `npm install` 3. `npm run build` 4. Copy `config/default.yaml` to `config/production.yaml` 5. Run the bot with `NODE_ENV=production node lib/index.js` ### Docker ``` # Create the directory structure # The bot needs it's config folder and cache location. mkdir -p /matrix-trello-bot/config mkdir -p /matrix-trello-bot/storage # Create the configuration file. Use the default configration as a template. nano /matrix-trello-bot/config/production.yaml # Run the container docker run -v /matrix-trello-bot:/data -p 4501:4501 turt2live/matrix-trello-bot ```