Sadad's Payment Solution is mobile application that exist in state of Qatar, It Provides instant Payment Service for Individuals and Companies without need to carry your money or one of your credit cards, you can download Sadad application and start to pay
electronic and instant payment anytime and anywhere.
Application Features: 1. Payment in more than one way 2. Secure payment system 3. Save time and effort 4. Documented financial operations 5. (24 hours/7 days) technical support 6. Increase sales through promote your products in the store.
Important Notes: - To take full advantage of the individuals account, the ID No. and the bank account must be activated. - To take full advantage of the companies account, the commercial license and bank account must be activated.
Комментарии не будут допущены к публикации, если они являются спамом, оскорбительными, не по теме, содержат ненормативную лексику, содержат личные выпады или разжигают ненависть любого рода.
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