How to INCREASE your productivity by 10x?
Sign up for Sign documents e-Signature app.
Effortlessly Sign and Manage Your Documents.
Sign documents is the ultimate digital signature app that transforms your document management with ease and security.
Say goodbye to paper trails and enjoy the convenience of a mobile contract maker, document signer, and PDF filler all in one.
Why Choose Sign Documents?
1. Unlimited eSignatures & Signature Maker: Sign any document - contracts, forms, agreements - with ease. Upload, sign, and manage everything in one secure place. Our built-in signature maker allows you to create a signature from your name, draw your own, or upload an existing one.
2. Cloud Integration & Doc Storage: Scan documents (docs) and keep them safe in the cloud. Seamlessly connect with Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive for easy access to your signed docs.
3. Effortless Sharing & Email Signatures: Need signatures now? Send documents with shareable links or QR codes for contactless, bulk signing. Keep your workflow smooth! Add a professional electronic signature to your emails directly within the app.
4. In-Person Signing & Notary Support: Going old school? Collect signatures in person on your phone or tablet for immediate validation and faster turnaround. While Sign Documents cannot replace a notary public, it can streamline the document signing process for many situations.
Unmatched Security & Trust:
- Peace of Mind: Your data is protected with industry-standard SSL encryption and complies with global standards like ESIGN and HIPAA.
- Legally Binding: Digital audit trails ensure document validity and hold weight in any situation.
Additional Features:
- Edit Before Sending: Refine your documents with our edit and sign features for that perfect final touch.
- Contact Integration: Sync seamlessly with your phone, Google, and Outlook contacts.
- Customizable signatures maker: The Sign Documents app automatically generates signatures from your first and last name. Customize your signature with unique colors and font sizes, or choose to draw it or upload unlimited signatures.
Sign Documents Premium Plans:
For professionals seeking enhanced features, our Premium Plans provide unlimited document signing, in-person signature collection, and more for just $69.99/year or $9.99/month (with a 3-day free trial). Pricing may vary by location.
Your Feedback Matters:
Need assistance or want to give feedback? Reach out to us online at We are available 24/7.
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